
Military Wedding Planning

Military Wedding Inspiration | Lowcountry Bride

It’s finally your time! The love of your life has asked you to marry them! After the initial joy of engagement, you soon realize that there is one compilation that may occur in your joyous wedding planning: your future spouse is in the military and every day, month, and year is different. Anything could happen, from having to move to a whole another base, to your spouse getting deployed.

This is nothing to fear of course! Many other military brides’ have come before you and have thankfully passed down their military wedding advice. Below are 3 tips for helping plan a military wedding!

  1. There are significant differences between a civilian and a military wedding: Unfortunately, as a military bride, you will face more hurdles than most “ordinary” brides. For example, you may decide to do a rush wedding, in which case, you will need to not only find a chaplain on short notice but you will also have to pay those increased fees associated with rush weddings. In the alternative case that you decide to do a more normal wedding, you will need to find a location to hold your wedding, which could take place at the base chapel, along with finding your military chaplain. In addition, you will need to coordinate with the Arch of Sabers or Swords (depending on the branch of service your spouse is in). Lastly, you will need to pay close attention to the special formalities involved with invitations and seating arrangements to make sure everyone gets proper attention.
  2. Buy Wedding Insurance: Now, this does not mean you are expecting your spouse to not follow through with the wedding. This is more to save you and your love a favor in the future in case a quick/delayed/extended deployments occurs (which they do). In other words, it is better to be safe, than sorry. This way, if the wedding dates have to change for any reason, you will be able to recover the money that you have already spent on wedding planning and venues.
  3. Know the Seating Etiquette: It is important to be aware of who exactly will be at the wedding. You are having a military wedding, which means you will have Commanders, Officers, and fellow peers attending. When seating the groom or bride’s Commander and spouse, you should seat them with your military spouse’s family. In fact, traditionally, Commanders are seated in the front row when the bride or groom’s parents can’t attend and all other higher-ranking Officers will sit directly behind the family of either the bride or groom.

Military Wedding Planning | Lowcountry Bride

Photo Credit: John Wollwerth Photography

Military Wedding Planning | Lowcountry Bride

Photo Credit: Jessica Roberts Photography

Military Wedding Planning | Lowcountry Bride

Photo Credit: Captured Moments Photography

Military Wedding Planning | Lowcountry Bride

Photo Credit: Amanda Nicole Miller Photography

Military Wedding Inspiration | Lowcountry Bride

Photo Credit: Amanda Nicole Miller Photography

Military Wedding Planning | Lowcountry Bride

Photo Credit: Captured Moments Photography

Military Wedding Planning | Lowcountry Bride

Photo Credit: John Wollwerth Photography

Military Wedding Planning | Lowcountry Bride

Photo Credit: Amanda Nicole Miller Photography

Military Wedding Planning | Lowcountry Bride

Photo Credit: Jessica Roberts Photography

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